Why do dogs lick their collars dog Care Idea

Why Do Dogs Lick Their Collars – Complete Guide And Reasons

Dogs have some fascinating and often quirky behaviors, and one such behavior that might catch your attention is Why Do Dogs Lick Their Collars. 

It’s not uncommon to see your furry companion engrossed in a licking session with their collar, but have you ever wondered why they do it? 

Dogs may lick their collars out of a combination of grooming instinct, sensory exploration, or simply because they find it comforting, akin to humans biting their nails or twirling their hair.

Let’s dive into the intriguing world of canine collar licking and uncover the possible motivations behind this behavior.

Why Do Dogs Lick Their Collars – Various Reasons

Dogs are known for their unique behaviors, and licking is one of them. Dogs may lick their collars for various reasons. Here are some possible explanations for this behavior:

Grooming Instinct: 

Dogs have an innate grooming instinct, and licking is a part of their natural behavior. Licking their collar could be a way for them to mimic the grooming actions they would perform on their own bodies.

Taste And Smell: 

Collars can accumulate various scents and flavors from the environment, food, treats, or even their own saliva. Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, and licking their collars allows them to explore and analyze these scents and tastes.

Comfort And Soothing: 

Licking can provide dogs with a sense of comfort and relaxation. Similar to how humans might engage in self-soothing behaviors like nail-biting or hair twirling, licking their collars can be a calming activity for dogs.


 Dogs are social animals and may lick their collars to grab their owner’s attention. If they notice that licking their collar leads to a response or interaction from their human, they may continue the behavior as a way to seek attention.

Boredom Or Anxiety: 

Dogs may resort to licking their collars as a form of self-soothing when they feel bored or anxious. This repetitive behavior can help them cope with their emotions or provide a distraction from their surroundings.

Habitual Behavior: 

Some dogs develop habitual behaviors, and licking their collars can become a learned behavior over time. If they find it enjoyable or satisfying, they may continue doing it even when there’s no apparent reason.

Allergic Reactions Or Skin Irritation: 

In some cases, dogs may lick their collars excessively due to allergic reactions or skin irritation caused by certain materials or detergents used in collar manufacturing. It’s important to rule out any underlying medical issues if the licking becomes excessive or leads to skin problems.

It’s worth noting that occasional collar licking is usually harmless. However, if the behavior becomes obsessive, compulsive, or leads to skin problems, it’s advisable to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical or behavioral concerns.

Is It Normal And Harmless?

Yes, in most cases, licking their collars is considered a normal and harmless behavior for dogs. 

It can be a natural part of their grooming routine or a way to explore scents and tastes. However, it’s important to observe the frequency and intensity of the behavior. Occasional collar licking is generally not a cause for concern. 

However, if your dog excessively licks their collar to the point of causing skin irritation, hair loss, or if the behavior becomes obsessive, it may indicate an underlying issue such as allergies, anxiety, or boredom. 

If you have any concerns about your dog’s collar licking behavior, it’s always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian to ensure your pet’s well-being.

Other Common Dog Behaviors That May Be Related To Licking

  • Dogs may lick their paws or legs excessively due to skin allergies, irritations, or infections.
  • Excessive licking of surfaces can be a sign of compulsive behavior triggered by boredom and frustration.
  • Licking people’s faces and hands can be a gesture of affection towards their owners.
  • Some dogs eat non-food items like grass or dirt before licking themselves obsessively, which could indicate digestive issues.
  • These behaviors should be observed closely as they may indicate underlying health problems that require medical attention or behavioral modification.
  • Consulting with a veterinarian can help diagnose the cause of excessive licking and provide appropriate treatment options.
  • Being aware of your pet’s behaviors helps identify potential issues early on and prevent them from escalating into more severe health problems.

How To Prevent Your Dog From Licking Its Collar

Constant licking can lead to skin irritation and even infection. Here are some tips on how to prevent your dog from licking its collar:

Identify the Cause

Before you try to stop your dog from licking its collar, identify what is causing the behavior in the first place. Is it boredom? Anxiety? A medical issue?

Distract Your Dog

If your dog tends to lick its collar when it’s bored or anxious, distract them with toys or activities that they enjoy.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Encourage good behavior by rewarding your dog with treats and praise when they don’t lick their collar.

Switch Collars

Sometimes changing up your dog’s collar can help break the habit of constant licking.

Consult a Vet

If you’ve tried everything and still can’t seem to stop your pup from constantly licking their collar, consult a vet for further advice.

Remember, every dog is different so finding what works best for yours may take time and patience!

Alternatives to Curb the Behavior

If your dog’s collar is getting too wet from excessive licking, there are some alternatives to help curb this behavior. 

  • One of the simplest ways is to remove the collar when you’re at home with your dog so they have less opportunity to lick it. 
  • Another option is to switch to a different type of collar or harness that doesn’t irritate their skin as much.
  • You can also try distracting your dog whenever they start licking their collar by redirecting them with a toy or treat. This positive reinforcement can teach them new behaviors and reduce unwanted licking habits.
  • Training exercises like obedience training and mental stimulation games can also help distract your pup from licking their collar.

If you notice that your dog’s excessive licking is due to an underlying medical condition such as allergies or skin irritation, consult with your veterinarian on possible treatments and solutions. 


As we come to the end of this article on why dogs lick their collars, it’s important to remember that every dog is unique and may have different reasons for exhibiting this behavior. 

While some dogs may simply enjoy the taste or smell of their collar, others may be doing so out of boredom or anxiety. It’s essential to observe your dog’s overall behavior and habits when trying to understand why they might be licking their collar excessively. If you notice any other concerning behaviors, such as aggression or lethargy, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian.


Why does my dog lick the metal on her collar?

Dogs may lick the metal on their collar due to various reasons, including curiosity, sensory exploration, or seeking attention.

Why do dogs lick their necks?

Dogs may lick their necks as a grooming behavior to clean themselves or to alleviate irritation or discomfort in that area.

Why do dogs act weird when you take off their collar?

Dogs may act weird when you take off their collar because they associate the collar with certain activities or routines, such as going for walks or receiving attention. Removing the collar disrupts their sense of familiarity and can temporarily confuse or unsettle them.

How do dogs feel about their collars?

Most dogs are generally comfortable wearing collars and may even feel a sense of security and familiarity with them. However, individual dogs may have varying levels of comfort depending on their past experiences and how well the collar fits.