Why Does My Dog Cover His Food With His Blanket

Why Does My Dog Cover His Food With His Blanket – Complete Guide

Dogs are fascinating creatures, and their behavior can sometimes leave us puzzled. One of the most common behaviors that dog owners have noticed is when their furry friend covers their food with a blanket. 

Some might find this adorable, while others may feel confused or frustrated. If you’re one of those who have been wondering why your dog does this, then you’re in the right place! 

Dogs may cover their food with a blanket due to instinctual behaviors inherited from their wild ancestors, such as protecting their food and creating a sense of comfort and security.

In this blog post, we’ll explore ten reasons why does my dog cover his food with his blanket and discuss whether or not you should be concerned about it. 

So grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and dive into the canine behavior world!

The Root of the Behavior

As a pet parent, it’s natural to be curious about why your furry friend covers their food with a blanket. But before we delve into the reasons behind this behavior, let’s first understand where it comes from.
Dogs are descendants of wolves in the wild, they instinctively need to bury their food to save it for later. This is because wolves don’t always know where their next meal will come from and may need to rely on stored food during times of scarcity.
In domesticated dogs, this behavior stems from that same instinctual drive. Even though our pets no longer have to hunt for their meals, the urge remains intact.
Another possible reason could be related to your dog’s breed or ancestry. Some breeds were specifically bred as hunting dogs or watchdogs and had a higher likelihood of needing to hide or protect their food from other animals or predators.
Ultimately the root cause of this behavior lies deep within our pooch’s instincts and can vary depending on several factors such as breed, past upbringing, etc. 

The next section will examine some possible reasons why your dog might cover his/her food with a blanket!

Why Your Dog Might Cover His Food with His Blanket – 10 Reasons Behind

Have you ever watched your dog cover his food with a blanket and wondered why he does that? This behavior might seem strange to us, but it’s quite common in dogs. 

Here are ten possible reasons why your furry friend might be doing this.

1. Instinctual behavior: 

Dogs in the wild would often bury their food to hide it from other predators or save it for later.

2. Protection:

Covering their food may protect it from insects or other animals.

3. Comfort:

 Some dogs simply feel more comfortable eating when they have a “nest” of sorts around them.

4. Anxiety:

Covering their food could be a way for anxious dogs to relieve stress and calm down.

5. Hiding scent:

In multi-dog households, some dogs may cover their food to reduce the chances of another dog stealing it by hiding its smell

6. Boredom:

If your dog is feeling bored, covering his food can become an entertaining activity for him.

7. Learned behavior: 

Some puppies learn to do this from watching older dogs in their household or shelter environment where there was competition over resources such as water and food bowls.

8. Protecting against theft: 

If your pup lives outside during meals then he/she may want to cover up any evidence of unfinished meals so as not to attract unwanted visitors like raccoons, skunks, etc.

9. Lack of appetite:

A lack of interest in eating sometimes leads them wanting less interaction during mealtime so they can “get back” at something else

10. Food Temperature:

Sometimes, pet parents give cold refrigerated foods, which pets find uncomfortable if served too soon after taking them out the fridge.
These are just some possibilities behind why your dog covers his/her dish with a blanket or towel before dining on kibble!

Should You Stop This Behavior?

As a dog owner, it’s natural to question whether or not you should stop your furry friend from covering their food with their blanket. While this behavior may seem odd and even unsanitary at first glance.

It’s important to note that while covering food with a blanket may seem distasteful, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your dog isn’t enjoying their meal or experiencing any negative health effects.
Interrupting this behavior could cause anxiety and stress for your pet. Instead of trying to stop them outright, consider providing a designated spot where they can cover and protect their food without causing any inconvenience or harm.
Ultimately, whether you choose to intervene depends on personal preference and circumstances around the behavior itself. 

As long as your dog is healthy and happy overall, allowing them some harmless quirks like covering up their meals shouldn’t pose any major issues in the long run.

How Can You Fix This Behavior?

If you’re wondering how to stop your dog from covering his food with his blanket, there are several things you can try. One of the most effective methods is simply removing the blanket when it’s time for your dog to eat. 

This may take some getting used to for you and your furry friend, but over time, he should learn that his food will always be uncovered.
Another option is to use a puzzle feeder or interactive toy that dispenses food as your dog plays with it. This can help distract him from his instinctive behavior of covering up his food and encourage him to focus on eating instead.
You can also try feeding smaller meals more frequently throughout the day rather than one big meal all at once. This way, your dog won’t feel like he needs to save any leftover food for later since he knows another meal will be coming soon.
Consider giving your pup positive reinforcement when he eats without covering up his bowl. Offer treats or verbal praise when he finishes a meal without exhibiting this behavior.
Remember: patience and consistency are key when trying to fix any behavioral issue in dogs!

Different Ways to Stop Your Dog from Covering His Food

If you are concerned about your pet’s behavior and want to stop your dog from covering his food with his blanket, there are several ways to do it. Here are some of the most effective techniques:

1. Feed Your Dog in a Quiet Place: 

Creating a comfortable and peaceful environment where your furry friend can eat without any distractions is one of the best ways to help him overcome this behavior.

2. Offer Smaller Portions: 

If you give smaller portions of food, your dog may not need to cover it up for later.

3. Change the Type of Food Bowl: 

Try using different types or styles of bowls that make it difficult for dogs to cover their food, such as shallow dishes or puzzle feeders.

4. Remove Access to Blankets: 

You can also remove access to blankets near feeding areas so they aren’t tempted to cover their food anymore.

5. Keep Your Dog Busy After Meals: 

Engage them in games or playtime after meals to keep them occupied and reduce anxiety-related behaviors like covering up their food.
Remember that every dog is unique. What works well for one pet might not work for another one!

Why You Shouldn’t Worry If Your Dog Covers His Food with His Blanket

It’s understandable to wonder why your dog covers his food with a blanket, but it’s important not to worry too much about this behavior.
However, if your dog seems happy and healthy and only occasionally covers its food without any signs of anxiety or stress, there’s no reason for concern.
Ultimately, understanding the reasons behind this behavior can help you determine whether there is cause for alarm. But most importantly – don’t fret over something so small! Your pup is likely following an old instinct that isn’t harming anyone.


Dogs may cover their food with blankets due to instinctual behaviors, anxiety, or personal preferences. This behavior is a common trait and should be understood as part of their unique personalities. 

While it is generally harmless, excessive covering or associated health issues may require training intervention. Understanding and accommodating this behavior can strengthen the bond between dogs and their owners.


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